New Sulfur Dioxide Inspections in China: Impact on Shrimp Imports and Global Market Dynamics.

Lily - Senior Analyst
Lily - Senior Analyst
12 Apr 2023
Vannamei Tip
# 81
New Sulfur Dioxide Inspections in China: Impact on Shrimp Imports and Global Market Dynamics.

There has been a recent surge of discussions in China regarding sulfur dioxide inspections. Unconfirmed sources indicate that the China General Administration of Customs may enforce stringent regulations on shrimp and crab imports, particularly vannamei shrimp. These measures are anticipated to be applied at all ports across the country, focusing on monitoring sulfur dioxide levels.

Although there is no official confirmation, it is believed that this decision has already been made. Sulfur dioxide is a method used to measure the residue of metabisulfite. Metabisulfite is employed during the harvest process to preserve shrimp. This development could potentially affect prices, as China may start rejecting shipments with high sulfur dioxide levels.


  • Ecuador Situation:

Continuous rainfall is impacting harvests, causing factories to struggle in fulfilling orders, which results in prices remaining high or even increasing. A large harvest, or “new aguaje,” is expected next week, which should provide a clearer picture of price levels. The shortage of smaller-sized shrimp continues to grow.


  • India:

Harvests have yet to pick up and are anticipated to begin by the end of May. With relatively warmer weather, shrimp growth is promising. The primary sizes being harvested are 50/60 and 60/70, with a few farms seeded earlier producing 40/50.


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