Downward trend in shrimp prices on the Chinese market

Lily - Senior Analyst
Lily - Senior Analyst
01 Feb 2024
Vannamei Tip
# 105
Downward trend in shrimp prices on the Chinese market

Following up on our previous insights in Tip #104, the vannamei shrimp market is experiencing notable shifts, particularly in the Ecuadorian sector. Recent interactions with various market participants have highlighted a trend of cautious purchasing behavior, especially among importers.

Recent market observations:

In the last ten days, there has been a discernible change in market dynamics. Previously, there was an increase in purchasing due to optimistic domestic sales and a shortage of stock among smaller wholesalers in China. This scenario led to an initial rise in prices as these wholesalers began restocking in January.

However, this trend has seen a reversal. As these small wholesalers completed their restocking, the ripple effect has led to a decrease in domestic sales prices. This change is influencing importers’ willingness to engage in new purchases, with a growing sense of caution becoming apparent.

Market sentiments and future projections:

Discussions with several market players reveal a consensus that the selling price of vannamei shrimp in key markets has dropped recently. There’s a prevailing sentiment that prices may continue to decline post the Spring Festival, reflecting a general lack of optimism about the market’s short-term future.

Regarding Ecuadorian shrimp imports, the current situation is characterized by a decrease in orders and a projected continuation of this trend. This outlook is impacting the purchasing decisions of importers, with many now only considering transactions that offer a clear price advantage.

Implications for the vannamei market:

This shift in market sentiment, especially among Chinese buyers, is crucial as it indicates a broader trend of cautious purchasing and price sensitivity. The market’s reaction in the upcoming weeks, particularly following the Spring Festival, will be key in determining the future price trajectory and overall market health.


The vannamei shrimp market is undergoing a complex phase, with fluctuating demand and prices influenced by a variety of factors. Stakeholders are advised to remain vigilant and adaptable, as the market continues to evolve in response to these changing dynamics.

Stay tuned to Vannamei Tips for ongoing updates and in-depth analysis, as we navigate through these challenging yet pivotal market conditions


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