
01 Sep 2020

ChinaTip #0460

Floods damage China’s caviar production.

Floods in Wenxian County, Gansu Province, have destroyed many sturgeon farming bases. Thousands of large-scale sturgeons have escaped and were caught by residents along the coast. These sturgeons have been grown for at least seven years. They are mainly farmed for fish eggs, product used to make the caviar for export. The loss, estimated at several billion rmb, hits drastically the Chinese caviar production.

China is currently the world’s largest caviar producer. In 2015, China has surpassed Iran and Russia, the traditional caviar producing countries. At present, the world’s largest caviar producer is neither a Russian company, nor a French one, but the Chinese company Kaluga, which sells 60 tons of caviar every year. Kaluga Company accounts for 28.6% of the global caviar production, becoming the world’s largest caviar supplier.

Categories: Fish

Tags: seafood, caviar, floods, sturgeon, kaluga


This post was written by: Lily - Senior Analyst

Lily - Senior Analyst

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